Midwest Environmental Advocates is a nonprofit law center that combines the power of law with the resolve of communities facing environmental injustice to secure and protect the rights of all people to healthy water, land, and air.

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Our Work : tagged as "agriculture"

Kinnard Farms Water Pollution Discharge Permit

In 2021, the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled in favor of our clients and affirmed the authority of the DNR to protect rural drinking water by setting limits on herd size and requiring CAFOs to monitor groundwater where manure is spread. Following the ruling, the DNR issued a modified wastewater permit for Kinnard Farms. Kinnard responded by filing a legal challenge in April 2022. A group of neighbors represented by MEA intervened in the case and successfully negotiated a settlement in May 2023 requiring Kinnard Farms to stop spreading liquid manure.

Safe Drinking Water Act Petition to EPA

Kewaunee County citizens formally request federal action on groundwater contamination problems for people who live near the state's highest concentration of industrial livestock facilities.

Rosendale Dairy

Midwest Environmental Advocates worked with a Rosendale, WI, citizens group to protect their water, air and land from the impacts of the largest confined dairy operation in the state.

Roth Feeder Pigs Expansion

Twenty-eight concerned Crawford County citizens challenged their county's decision to allow a hog confined feeding operation to expand, jeopardizing their local water and air quality.

Manure Spreading on Frozen Ground Banned

After years of using legal strategies to limit the practice of spreading manure on frozen ground, a campaign to change the law resulted in a ban that protects surface and groundwater.

The Treml Family v. Stahl Farms

The Treml family of Kewaunee County was an ordinary Wisconsin family with three healthy, happy daughters. In 2004, they faced a nightmare that no family should ever face - a life threatenting illness bourne in through their water.